2023  ✦  Product Design

Embra provides a powerful AI assistant designed to accelerate work and make streamlined, automated workflows accessible to professionals and teams. Following the launch of Embra's private beta in the spring of 2023, users requested the ability to use Embra within the context of their existing apps and to access it through a Spotlight-like user experience.


2023  ✦  Product Design

Delphia makes premium, direct index investing more accessible to everyday investors by providing access to actively managed, AI-driven investment strategies. In 2023, Delphia wanted to offer personalized portfolios that would make value-based investing attainable and competitive, without requiring accreditation, a high net worth, or a high investment minimum.

This was a new, actively managed investment strategy designed to accurately reflect investors' values and interests without sacrificing performance. This technology had the potential to revolutionize the traditional ESG/SRI investing landscape, which often lacked precision and tailored solutions.

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2023  ✦  Service Design

By Q4 of 2022, Delphia had reached an inflection point. Despite spending approximately $60 per user in acquisition, the company had yet to achieve product-market fit (PMF). With the cost of acquiring new users proving unsustainable, Delphia needed to identify the "true fans" of its current product to better understand and serve their needs.

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2022  ✦  Product Design

In Q1 of 2022, Wave's Payments product was only available via their web offering, despite Wave having a mobile app. Payments was Wave's highest revenue-generating product and approximately 80% of Wave's active paying business users were using it. Therefore, about 55,000 business owners using Wave are not being served adequately on mobile.

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2020  ✦  Service Design

Meta Reality Labs exists to help people feel closer anytime, anywhere, through discovering, testing, and adopting new technologies.

AKQA + Meta DTC had an opportunity to create a space to inspire discovery and shift the perception of Oculus and Portal. The space was intended to help the world see how immersive experiences could fit into users’ lives.
